Check your Google Groups

Understanding Google Groups:

Google Groups are a valuable tool for managing email distribution within our district. They function as mailing lists, allowing you to send a single email to a large group of people at once.

Who Can Send Emails to Groups:

The ability to send emails to a group depends on its settings. Some groups, such as and, are restricted. Only those on the approved list can send messages to these groups. Other Groups such as or each one of the BCE Grade Groups allow for any group member to send an email to the group email address and reach all group members.

Types of Staff Groups:

Your building assignment and role in Skyward determine your membership in several staff groups:

  • All Staff Groups (Based on Primary Building in Skyward): You'll be automatically added to your building's all-staff group (BCS, BCE, ECA, or Insight). All staff members are also included in the "All District Employees" group.
  • Teacher Groups (Based on Skyward Data): If you're a teacher, Skyward data will determine which building-specific teacher group (BCS, BCE, or ECA) you're added to.
  • Use Case Groups (Manual Management): Groups for specific workflows or projects will be manually managed by the groups managers.

Groups outside of this list do not sync with Skyward and are managed manually by a group manager:

All District Staff, BCE All Staff, BCE Teachers, BCS All Staff, BCS Teachers, ECA All Staff, ECA Teachers, Insight All Staff, BCE-Grade 1, BCE-Grade 2, BCE-Grade 3, BCE-Grade 4, BCE-Grade 5, and BCE-Grade Kindergarten

Diving a bit Deeper:

BCE Grade Group memberships are based on information from your job title in Skyward. This means that for anyone outside of a job title that fits keywords ”Grade” and “Kindergarten/1/2/3/4/5” will not be included dynamically.

For any staff that would like to be a member of a specific BCE Grade Group you will need to submit a ticket at

Managing Multiple Building Assignments:

If you work in multiple buildings, your primary building in Skyward determines your all-staff group membership. However, if you need access to additional all-staff groups, submit a help desk ticket specifying the desired groups. Remember to verify your current memberships before submitting a ticket.

Which Google Groups am I in?

Go to >> Login using your BCCS Google Account

Click on the Google Apps Icon (Waffle) near the top right corner.

Scroll down and click on the Groups icon

Alternatively, navigate to in your browser

Near the top, middle you will see you are on the “My Groups” view

Below that you will see all of your groups.

Under “Subscription” you can change how often you get email updates. It can be every message (by default)or you can ask for a daily digest.

You can click on any group to get a closer look. If you are a member (or depending upon the settings) you will see the list of past messages sent to the group.

For most groups (depending upon the settings)you can also click on “Members” along the left hand menu and see who is listed as being a member of that group.