Check your Google Groups

Google Groups - How to Check

What are Google Groups?

Google Groups are ways to manage collections of email accounts. Depending upon the group settings, someone from inside the group, inside the district, or any email at all, can send an email to the whole group just by sending a single email to the group address. Some groups, such as or, are limited on who can send an email. This means any user sendinga message to that group email must be on the approved posting list.

What Types of Google Groups are There?

Mailing list memberships for staff groups(BCSallstaff, BCEallstaff, allDistrictemployees) is based off your skyward information. You will automatically be added to BCS or BCE all staff depending on your building location. All staff members will be placed in to the All District Employees Group. Additionally If you are a Teacher you will be placed into BCS Teachers or BCE Teachers depending on the information provided by Skyward.

Which Google Groups am I in?

Go to >> Login using your BCCS Google Account

Click on the Google Apps Icon (Waffle) near the top right corner.

Scroll down and click on the Groups icon

Alternatively, navigate to in your browser

Near the top, middle you will see you are on the “My Groups” view

Below that you will see all of your groups.

Under “Subscription” you can change how often you get email updates. It can be every message (by default)or you can ask for a daily digest.

You can click on any group to get a closer look. If you are a member (or depending upon the settings) you will see the list of past messages sent to the group.

For most groups (depending upon the settings)you can also click on “Members” along the left hand menu and see who is listed as being a member of that group.