How To Clear Cache and Cookies in Chrome Browser

Clearing your Chromes browser cache every once in a while can prevent a lot of issues such as not having pages load correctly, not being able to input grades, and potential for your browsing to get slow as time goes on.

To clear the cache in the Chrome browser:

1. Open Chrome Settings: Click on the three dots in the top-right corner and select "Settings."

2. Navigate to ‘Clear Browsing Date’: Scroll down and click on "Clear Browsing Date" in the right hand sidebar.

3. Choose Time Range: Must select "All time" to clear all cached data.

5. Select Advanced: Select advanced and check all the boxes except ‘Passwords and passkeys’

6. Clear Data: Click on "Clear data" at the bottom of the dialog box.

Wait for the process to complete. Once finished, you'll receive a confirmation message.

Following these steps ensures you clear the cache in Chrome, including necessary advanced options for comprehensive data clearing.